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Go's Concurrency model - Examples | [Short article? || Bad description?]

Exploring Golang

Go’s Concurrency Features: Goroutines and Channels in Action

Concurrency is a fundamental aspect of modern computing, and Go’s approach to concurrency with goroutines and channels is a testament to the language’s design philosophy of simplicity and efficiency. As a Unix enthusiast, I’ve found that Go’s concurrency model is not only powerful but also straightforward to use, making it an excellent choice for concurrent programming tasks.

Goroutines: Lightweight Threads at Your Fingertips

Goroutines are the backbone of Go’s concurrency model. They are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime, allowing developers to write concurrent programs that are both efficient and easy to reason about. To create a goroutine, you simply prefix a function call with the go keyword. Here’s a simple example that demonstrates the creation of a goroutine:

package main

import (

func printMessage(message string) {
    for i :=  0; i <  3; i++ {
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond *  500)

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Start of main Goroutine")
    go printMessage("Hello from a goroutine")
    printMessage("Hello from the main Goroutine")
    time.Sleep(time.Second *  2)
    fmt.Println("End of main Goroutine")

In this example, the printMessage function is called twice: once as a regular function call and once as a goroutine. The program will print messages from both the main Goroutine and the goroutine, demonstrating that they run concurrently [2].

Channels: A Safe Way to Communicate Between Goroutines

Channels in Go are the conduits that enable goroutines to communicate and synchronize their execution. They are a powerful tool for managing the complexity of concurrent programs. Here’s an example of using channels to synchronize goroutines:

package main

import (

func worker(done chan bool) {

    // Send a value to notify that we're done.
    done <- true

func main() {
    // Start a worker goroutine, giving it the channel to notify on.
    done := make(chan bool,  1)
    go worker(done)

    // Block until we receive a notification from the worker on the channel.

In this example, the worker function sends a value on the done channel to signal that it has finished its work. The main Goroutine blocks until it receives a value on the done channel, ensuring that the program doesn’t exit before the worker Goroutine has finished [2].


Go’s concurrency model, with its goroutines and channels, is a powerful and simple way to write concurrent programs. It allows developers to write code that is not only efficient but also easy to understand and maintain. Whether you’re building a web server, a data processing pipeline, or any other application that benefits from concurrent execution, Go’s concurrency features are worth exploring. They embody the Unix philosophy of keeping things simple and usable, a philosophy that resonates with the desire for software that is reliable, maintainable, and easy to understand [2].

  1. Concurrency in Go: Goroutines, Mutexes, and Channels
  2. Locks Vs. Channels in Go
  3. A Comprehensive Guide to Concurrency in Golang
  4. What’s the difference between channel and mutex in Golang?