== Neoblog - Its not modern. Its only bright ==
Delving into the depths of Unix since yesterday!

Lost in space - Journey through plain text

Me? Exploring

Embracing Simplicity: My personal thoughts on the Smoll Web (Gemini & Gopher)

In the vast expanse of the digital universe, amidst the clamor of information overload, there exists a tranquil haven known as the “Smoll Web.” Here, simplicity reigns supreme, offering a serene escape reminiscent of the internet’s early days.

For me, the Smoll Web isn’t just a concept—it’s a retreat into a digital past where exploration and discovery take center stage. Each evening, I find solace in the gentle hum of my Unix battlestation, complete with its CRT monitor and trusty Athlon II processor. With Pink Floyd softly playing in the background, its easy to immerse yourself in the world of Gemini.

I use the Bombadillo browser, to traverse the virtual landscape, navigating through a treasure trove of blog posts, archived text files from the depths of the old internet (courtesy of textfiles.com), and other hidden gems. It’s a journey of serenity and nostalgia, where the simplicity of text-based communication reigns supreme.

Through Gemini, you can rediscover the peace of unadulterated content. There are no flashy distractions or intrusive advertisements, nor banners prompting me to pay in order to read anything—just the raw beauty of the written word. Each text has bits of the personality of the author baked in, no JS, CSS frameworks and generic pages made with SEO in mind, a glimpse into a bygone era where the internet was a place of genuine connection and exploration.

In the Smoll Web, there’s more to it than just information; there’s a sense of community. It’s a shared appreciation for the tranquility and intimacy of text-based personal sites—a refuge from the constant barrage of notifications and the modern annoyance that is social media.

So, if you too yearn for a digital sanctuary—a place where simplicity reigns and the written word holds sway—I invite you to join me in exploring the Smoll Web. It’s a journey back to basics, a gentle reminder of what the internet once was, and a beacon of hope for what it could be once again.

  1. Smoll Web | http portal
  2. Gemini protocol - The official Gemini project’s page | http version
  3. Gemini to HTTP proxy
  4. Bombadillo | Not a web browser, just a browser.
  5. Textfiles.com over Gemini | http version/proxied
Note that textfiles.com is actually an HTTP site hosted at https://textfiles.com